Celebrating 10 proud years of serving the Astoria fitness community, CrossFit Dynamix is a one-of-a-kind fitness studio located in Astoria, Queens, NY.
Happy Q3 Athletes,Yes, October’s here and ‘tis the season to carve some of your favorite facial expressions while doing a CrossFit WOD into pumpkins. Yeah, scary! (Lisa has the...
Greetings Dynamix Family,Coming in hot from The CrossFit Games, which has been going since Wednesday already. If you’ve never been, it’s been a bonafide festival of cute butts...
Athletizens of Astoria,It’s a three-day weekend and ‘tis the season to be triumphant and sweaty (kinda like those guys in the pic below), despite all the turmoil you’re likely reading...
Dear Warriors,Thank you all for coming out for our annual Memorial Day Murph extravaganza! If you missed it, here are some pics from the day to give you a sense of the debauchery. If...
Friends, athletes, countrymen, lend me your ears…Memorial Day is fast approaching and you know what that means: You, sweaty weight vests, and the spirit of a fallen American hero named...
Team Dynamix,Our new cycle starts this week and will run from April 25 to June 9. It’ll run for 6 weeks, with the 7th week being the test week. So what’s in store?Monday – Front...
Greetings Dynamix family!We hope you’re having a smashing April so far and a big welcome to our newest members (Nick, David, Jose, Ghitta, and Andrea), and those rejoining us...