Greetings Dynamix family!
We hope you’re having a smashing April so far and a big welcome to our newest members (Nick, David, Jose, Ghitta, and Andrea), and those rejoining us after a pandemic hiatus!
Speaking of getting our friends back into the swing of things, we have a very special promotion for the Dynamix family: Free-Trial-Fridays
Free-Trial-Fridays will be a free drop-in class open to the public on the first Friday of every month, and will feature a more “inclusive” WOD that will be suitable for anyone trying CrossFit for the first time. But don’t be fooled, it will be equally challenging for athletes of all levels. So if you’ve been dying to get your friend(s) to try CrossFit for the first time, this is for them!
And soooo let’s say Mikey likes it, and he/she/they want to go all in on CrossFit. AMAZING, misery loves company. No, we mean we love helping our friends and family! And because we love helping others in need, we’re also offering a FREE foundations course (upon signing of a contract, otherwise $100) on the first weekend of the month. Foundations will consist of two 2-hr sessions from 12-2pm on Sat and Sun.
But that’s not all folks, for helping your friend make the best decision they’ve ever made in their life, we’re offering you (you saint, you) a 50% discount off your next month of membership if your friend signs up for a new, 3+ month contract. Yup, that’s the smell of winning right there. Mmm…
So if you have a friend or family member you’d like to lend a helping hand to, shoot us an email at and we’ll help you help them!
Key Dynamix Updates
Now with that out of the way, here are some key Dynamix updates:
- In case you haven’t noticed, we have a new Ski Erg & Echo bike so ride your heart out!
- The barbells, rowers, and bikes have all been cleaned and oiled.
- Please watch this video on how to clean the equipment (if you haven’t already).
- A special shout out to our in-house photographer/videographer extraordinaire, Reshad Asgarali for all his hard work (thank you for the excellent instructional video)!
- There are new items in the vending machine: Keep Health bars, Izzy sparkling water, and coming soon: Orgain RTD protein shakes and cold brew coffee
Happiest of happy days to our April babies!
- Lisa Meyer – 04-04
- Ana Ortega – 04-07
- Tom Keon – 04-10
- Elizabeth Binckes – 04-11
- Alexandros Kallisoras – 04-11
- Carlos Vidal – 04-22
- Maria Martinez – 04-24
- Fred Smallwood – 04-26
- Concepcion Bulo – 04-28
Congratulations to Mike Anslow, Alexa Tsombanidis, Darren Burke, and Bettina Pinter for running in the Queens Half Marathon! You’re an inspiration to all of us!
- Foundations Supplementary Video Library – bookmark this spreadsheet for all the links to the CrossFit movement standards (and videos for extra credit)
- CrossFit – Nutrition: The Base of the Pyramid – Do you even eat, bro?
Community Corner
Are you an entrepreneur and/or small business owner? Would you like to extend your services to the greater Dynamix community? Well, we want to help you! Here at Dynamix, we like to keep it in the family. And that means supporting each other so we can all be healthy, happy, and successful together. As JFK put it, “A rising tide raises all ships.” If this interests you, click here to add to the running list of services offered by Dynamix members!
F*ck average, be legendary.
CrossFit Dynamix